cheat battle realms

Battle Realms

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Cheat Codes

Destroy buildings

Highlight an enemy building, then press [Ctrl] + D.
egetr, gn, t

Create any building

In the Dragon missions, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + a hotkey of a building in order to construct a building, even if it is not available yet. Note: This only works when you have enough rice and water for the building's cost.
Patrick Los Banos

Many brothers (Lotus clan only)

Create the 3 brothers (if you have enough Yin or Yang) and send them in the 3 towers. Press [Ctrl] + D at the Crypt Of Brothers. Notice that the brothers are still alive. Build another Crypt Of Brothers until you have more brothers to attack a base.


Easy Yin gain

  • For Lotus, use either Brother Lythis or Tausil and attack a tree in some maps. This will result in a gain of 3 to 5 yin at a time. Build more brothers so you can have more. For Serpent, use the Ronin trained with the Yin Blade/Sword and force fight it with a tree. You must put him beside the tree before enabling the Yin Blade. This will result in a gain 5 to 10 Yin at a time.
    Mervin Samy
  • For the Lotus clan, summon the two brothers in the crypt of Brother Tausil and the character with two blades in hand. Let them Force attack the water (just the sides of the water area). For the Serpent clan, train at least two or more Ronin and have them learn the Yin Sword. Then, attack it on the water (once again, just the sides of the water area). Then, press the Yin Sword Ability.
  • For the Serpent clan, train at least two Ronin with an ability of Yin Blade. Then, have them Force attack the water (only the side). The process is one by one if the first Ronin consumed all of his stamina. Have him rest, then the other Ronin will continue the rest. Keep repeating this process.
  • For the Serpent clan, have your Ronin equipped with Yin Blade battle gear from the metal shop. Let your Ronin Force Attack a tree (press [Ctrl] + F). Before attacking the tree, turn on its battle gear.

Yin on water (Lotus clan only)

If you have Crypt Of Brothers, select brother Lythis' attack Ground On Water. This results in having unlimited Yin in the Lotus clan.

Easy Yang gain (Dragon clan only)

Train at least seven Kabuki Warriors in the fireworks building. Let them fight, then choose their ability or continuously press B.

Full life and werewolf (Wolf clan only)

Train a peasant and make it a Berserker. Then, bless it by the Druidness by its lycantrophy. Attack the enemy base with many Berserkers with lycantrophy. When any Berserker has less life, use its ability and it will be at full life and a werewolf.

More Necromancers (Serpent clan only)

Build a Necromancers Throne and create a Necromancer. Then, get a Ronin with a Blood Bond battle gear. Blood Bond him with the Necromancer, then send the Necromancer up into a Watchtower. Fill up the Necromancers Throne with four more Ronins, then send the Blood Bonded Ronin to the enemy base and see him die. When you look at your Necromancers Throne, you should have a new Necromancer. Repeat this if needed. Note: A Geisha, allied or your own, must be nowhere near the Watchtower.
Cyril Dumdum

More Ninjas (Serpent clan only)

Get enough Yin. Create a Keep. Get four Ninjas. Get four Ronins who have Blood Bond battle gear. Blood Bond each Ronin to a Ninja, then send the Ninjas up the four Watchtowers. Send the Blood Bonded Ronins to the enemy base and watch them die. Notice that the Ninjas are still in the watchtowers and they are regenerating. Click on your keep and summon more Ninjas. Note: A Geisha, allied or your own, must not be near the watchtowers.
Cyril Dumdum and jawholmein_fuhrer

More Golems (Lotus clan only)

Make a Keep then summon the hero Soban. Make the three Golems, then save the game and load it. You will see that the Golems are free again. Repeat this to get as man Golems as desired.

More Spirit Warriors by a Necromancer (Serpent clan only)

Train 4 Ronins and bring them to the Necromancer Throne. A Necromancer will appear. Summon three Spirit Warriors and then quick save the game. Bring those three Spirit Warriors to fight and let them die. Then, quick load the game and you will now be able to summon three new Spirit Warriors with a same Necromancer. The three newly summoned Spirit Warriors must go to die, then quick save the game. Repeat the steps to summon more Spirit warriors.

One hit kill for Heroes (Lotus and Serpent clans only)

For Lotus use Brother Lythis or Tausil. For the Serpent, use a Ronin with trained Yin Blade. Collect at least 100 yin points (at least 206 recommended). After collecting the prescribed points, create a Hero. It will kill a unit with one hit, and at requires least ten hits for destroying structures.

One hit kill for Koril (Lotus clan only)

First, make the Crypt Of Brothers then summon the three. Then, use the Yin trick points. Next, make a Keep then watch your Yin. When your Yin makes about 200 attack Issyl to the enemy base. Issyl is unbeatable and sends some Ninjas on horses with upgraded abilities, then five healers in Lotus that ride on horses.

Consuming (Lotus clan only)

Build a Watchtower, then send one Peasant in the tower. Send a group of Unclean One, Diseased One and Infested One to consume the Peasant on the tower. They probably will eat the tower, but all of them have skills.

Start on Serpent Clan on Kenjis Journey

At the beginning of Kenji's Journey, do not help the peasant. Instead, help the Serpent Clan to kill and destroy the peasant hut and the peasants. After this, Kenji will join the Serpent Clan.
naks naman

Multi-player cooperation

When playing in multi-player mode, your base to a friend's base. Your friend can defend you while you build.


Extra Necromancer

Sacrifice four Ronins to summon the Necromancer. Note: You must have the Necromancer's Throne to do this. Train five more Ronins, having one with a Blood Bond BattleGear. Place four Ronins into the Necromancer's Throne. Notice that you cannot summon the Necromancer yet. Activate the Blood Bond BattleGear to the Necromancer and let the Necromancer enter the Watchtower. Let that Blood-Bonded Ronin scout into an enemy's base, dropping the Necromancer's HP to zero. Notice that while in the Watchtower the Necromancer does not die. Another Necromancer should emerge in the Necromancer's Throne. Note: You can get a maximum of five Necromancers only, because you only build four Watchtowers. To duplicate more Necromancers, let the former Necromancer remain in the Watchtower.